FractWall (Fractal Wallpaper generator) is a program for generating BIG fractal images (currently only Mandelbrot)

The program is written in Java and can be built using ant.
Execute the program with java -jar FractWall.jar [options] where options might be:

 -width <int>         The width in pixels of the generated image
 -height <int>        The height in pixels of the generated image
 -xaos <filename>.xpf A save-file from the xaos fractal generator (Only the
                      xmin,ymin,xsize and ysize are set from this file.) You
                      need to set width and height before you use this switch.
 -xmin <double>       The minimal real part of the area to calculate
 -ymin <double>       The minimal imaginary part of the area to calculate
 -xsize <double>      The real part range of the area to calculate
 -ysize <double>      The imaginary part range of the area to calculate
 -maxiter <int>       Maximum number of iterations per pixel
 -ncolors (2|16|256)  Number of colors in the palette 2 means black and white.
                      16 and 256 gives a grayscale going from black to white
                      and all the way back to black again: 16 colors example:
                      (black = 0) only if maxiter is reached.
 -output <filename>   The output file. Since the program currently only
                      supports gif-files, it should end with '.gif'
 -q                   Quiet, do not show calculated height so far (0...height)
 -type mandel         Type of fractal, Mandelbrot - 'mandel' is the only
                      supported for now
java -jar FractWall.jar -width 9000 -height 4800 -ncolors 2
                        -maxiter 1024 -xmin -0.37492656 -ymin 0.659325857
                        -xsize 0.001875 -ysize 0.001

License: GNU GPLv2

Latest source code from github
Project at github

Comments, improvements, suggestions to Johan Ekblad